Sana'a Al Zubairi Street next CAC Bank-(+ 967-1) -216666-770576576


    Specialists of urology supervise this section that carry out the following:

    ·Examine all diseases related to urology by the most mod­ern medical equipment such as ultra· sound and deferent kinds of endoscopies.

    ·Conducting all kinds of operations including open surgery such as nephrectomy, uretric and bladder stones, they un­dertake excision of prostate, deferent kinds of tumors and conducting many other operations that caused by con­genital default among children and adults in the urethra, ureter and bladder.

    • Conducting deferent kinds of endoscopies surgery

    such as:

    · Excision of prostate.

    · Structure of urethra.

    · Bladder stones.

    · Uretric& ureteric stones.

    · Kidney stones.

    · Bladder tumors.

    •  Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy  (ESWL)

    it avoids patients from surgical interference, anesthesia and pain.

     • Laser Intracorporeal Lithotripsy Prostatectomy Tumor Resection: 

    ·Treatment of infertility and sexual disturbances.

    ·Treatment and surgery of urinary incontinence.  

    Atone Crashing Device:

    As Dr. AbdulkaderAlmutawakel believes in the medical message importance, he desires too have an essential role in presenting the best medical services through out providing the most modern equipment the matter that lessen burdens of treatment expenditure abroad. Thus he provides ESWL device for stone crashing in competitive prices that any body could afford to pay for. ESWL points out the place of the stone and start to crash it out without anesthesia, surgical interference or any pain. Furthermore, the patient can be discharged home soon he accomplishes the stone crashing session, the situation that most of urology patients desires to do so far away from surgical knives and pain that may be caused wherefrom.