Sana'a Al Zubairi Street next CAC Bank-(+ 967-1) -216666-770576576
- / Surgical sections
- Obstetrics and Gynecology Department
We offer a broad range of services allowing us to treat more complex medical conditions in a variety of specialties. Our comprehensive range of services the specialties below. The services are provided by specialist Doctors and medical staff
Anesthesia Services
Natural therapy during pregnancy and child birth
The operation conducted by the Department:
• Vaginal node
• Cervix cancer
• Uterus removal via abdomen or the vagina
• Ovariectomy
• Uterus lifting using Manchester's method
• Natural and Caesarian birth
Endoscope includes:
• Pelvis diagnoses / Symphysis
• Ovary tumor removal
• Ectopic Pregnancy. Prevent bleeding